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IMD wins SIGGRAPH DC Chapter Recognition

Our Future Vision of being "At Home"

“At Home” © Illustrate My Design

“At Home” © Illustrate My Design

Inspired by the ideas, conversations and innovation seen every year at SIGGRAPH, as well as the memory of dozens and sometimes thousands of hours of work on beautiful projects by 3D artists, this image touches the idea that technology in the future could help hard-working artists be “at home” by sharing a moment with family near or far, feel their support and miss them a little less.

ACM SIGGRAPH is a nonprofit international membership organization made up of thousands of people who share a passion for computer graphics and interactive techniques. ACM SIGGRAPH members are involved in a wide variety of fields, including computer graphics research, software development, digital art, scientific visualization, interactive technology, game design, visual effects, computer science, education, engineering, graphic design, film and television production, scientific research and more.

The name ACM SIGGRAPH is an acronym that stands for: Association of Computing Machinery's Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques.